It’s Time to Renew Your SEKSPA Membership!

Dear SEKSPA members,

My name is Emily Merritt and I have been elected to serve as the interim Treasurer of the Southeast Kentucky Sheep Producers Association (SEKSPA) in our last quarterly membership meeting on October 29th.

This year has been a difficult time for all of us as a result of the corona virus threat. After a very successful meeting in January (with a delicious lamb luncheon), we had to cancel our field trips and resort to telephone conference calls for our membership meetings.

Despite all the difficulties and disappointments, our first year of working together as sheep producers and friends has been wonderfully productive. Just take a look at the minutes of our last meeting for an update on the 3 grants we’ve received, the good financial shape that we’re currently in, and the plans that we have for the future!

Remember, you can pay your membership dues now! Annual dues are just $10.00 per individual or family. Family is defined as parent and children under 18. Membership runs from January 1 to December 31 and all memberships purchased after October 1st will be credited to the next full calendar year.

Your SEKSPA membership form is attached. Please fill in the information and send it to me at the following address with a $10.00 check made out to the Southeast Kentucky Sheep Producers Association:

Southeast Kentucky Sheep Producers Association
c/o Emily Merritt, Interim Treasurer
21 August Drive
London, Kentucky 40741

Thank you and I hope to meet each of you in 2021!


Emily Merritt

SEKSPA Interim Treasurer