200 County Ext Rd. London, Kentucky, 40741
(606) 312 - 5264

Wool Producers Directory

This is the directory to find raw wool and finished wool products.

Producers that are listed with Wool have raw fleece available for purchase on their farm.
Producers that are listed with Finished Wool Products have fleece that is made into some type of value added product (roving/batt, dryer balls, etc..)
To add your sheep farm to the directory: Click Here

Cabin Hollow Farms

Gerald and Libby Crowe


Email: cabinhollowfarm@proton.me

Website: https://www.cabinhollowfarm.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cabinhollowfarmsky

Registration: Commercial

NISP: None

Breeds: Blue Face Leicester, Border Leicester, Finn, Romney, Teeswater, Tunis

Products: Wool

Not Normal Farms

Jeff and Bridgett Taylor

Not Normal Farms Farm Image


Email: info@notnormalfarms.com

Website: https://www.notnormalfarms.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/notnormalfarms

Registration: Commercial

NISP: None

Breeds: Babydoll, Blue Face Leicester, Border Leicester, Finn, Romney, Teeswater

Products: Wool

Providence Wool

Tammy Sizemore


Email: tammysizemore82@gmail.com

Registration: Commercial

NISP: None

Breeds: Blue Face Leicester, Teeswater, Wensleydale

Products: Finished Wool Products, Wool

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